Thursday, April 7, 2011

What many call Spring Break

As I sit here, eating a chocolate chip bagel, I have come to realize that I have never had a true "Spring Break". True this allotted time is a break from school, but in our society today it is so much more. A modern Spring Break involves a trip outside of you city, state, or country. A modern Spring Break involves going somewhere that takes the monotony of school away from your over worked brain. A modern Spring Break is something I have never experienced. From kindergarten and beyond my break during the season of Spring has consisted of staying home, catching up on much needed sleep, and full of all around laziness. This last break was no exception. For days on end I made up for the lack of television, in my sweats, eating a rather large bowl of Captain Crunch Cereal (It was on sale). When I was not the definition of sloth I was working on my Senior Project, taking away my break from all school related topics. Other than the mentioned activities my break from school was simply a small break from school.


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